As Granmodern families change due to hardships and other reasons, adoption attorneys find that there are more grandparents raising their grandkids than ever before.

A common question asked of adoption lawyers in Texas when this happens is whether or not official adoption even matters in situations where the grandparents are already caring for their grandchildren.

As easy as it may seem for grandparents to simply assume the roles of caretakers for their grandchildren when necessary, attorneys do advise going through the legal adoption process.

There are many important reasons for doing so that give children and their adoptive grandparents important advantages to legalizing the relationship.

Why Is Legal Grandparent Adoption So Important?

The most important reason why adoption attorneys recommend that grandparents file to legally adopt their grandkids when they have become sole caretakers is that it gives the grandparents complete control to make decisions on behalf of their grandkids.

Parental rights remain with the parents, regardless of the circumstances, unless they are waived and an official grandparent adoption is completed.

Without actually having parental rights, grandparents may not have the legal ability to make certain important decisions for their grandkids even if they are providing all care and support for them.

For this reason, adoption lawyers suggest that attempting to gain parental rights through the court would be more beneficial for the child in many circumstances.

Biological parents who have not had their parental rights removed can still make decisions that go against the wishes of the grandparents.

What Are The Advantages When Grandparents Legally Adopt?

In addition to gaining parental rights with grandparent adoption, attorneys highlight a number of other benefits gained by both grandparent and grandkids when an official adoption is done:

  • Emotional Stability - Emotional stability is a critical factor for children to be certain that they grow up happy and confident within their family unity. Legal grandparent adoption gives children the confidence to build lasting emotional bonds with their grandparents beyond the typical grandparent-grandchild bond and feel like a part of a real family.
  • Financial Stability - With legal grandparent adoption, there is no question as to who will provide for the child and see that all of their medical and practical needs are properly handled. Financial stability is yet one more worry that won’t affect grandchildren nor will it leave grandparents wondering whether all care requirements are being met if they are the ones legally providing it.
  • Legal Recognition As Parents - Obtaining parental rights with the help of an adoption lawyer gives grandparents the ability to act on behalf of adopted grandkids as if they were their own children when making critical decisions about school, healthcare, personal care, and all other parental concerns. In this way, adoptive grandparents won’t face disagreements with biological parents and will be legally viewed by schools, doctors, and others as the child’s legal family and decision-maker.

Talk To An Adoption Attorney Today

Every child deserves the benefit of growing up in a stable, loving environment to make sure they get every chance to prosper in life.

When that environment is with grandparents, grandparents should discuss their circumstances with experienced grandparent adoption attorneys who can advise them about the benefits adoption will bring.

From analyzing the situation to determine what is best for the child to dealing with the issue of obtaining parental rights, adoption lawyers can help loving grandparents become their grandchild’s legal family so that child grows up loved, provided for, and with every chance for a normal and productive life!

Foreman Family Law

409 E. 26th Street
Bryan TX 77803
