When clients seek the counsel of a divorce law firm, it is important that they understand their role in the process.

Good communication and a good understanding of the process are essential when working with divorce attorneys and unreasonable expectations must be avoided.

Divorce is a process that can be understood with the help of compassionate divorce lawyers.

Do You Know These 10 Things About Getting A Divorce?

To get a better idea of the process and what can be expected, here are 10 things that divorce lawyers want their clients to understand about getting divorced and the legal services they will receive.

  1. There Is No Privacy In Divorce Negotiations - Understand first and foremost that once a divorce case is started, clients hiring divorce law firms must consider themselves open books. There is no privacy in these negotiations, as the process requires lawyers and the court to consider different aspects of each spouse’s personal life to aid with the most effective negotiations.
  2. Communicate Goals - Take an active role in the divorce by sharing personal goals for the case at the start. Tell divorce attorneys what a favorable outcome looks like and what the important end results may be. Though they cannot guarantee results, this at least gives attorneys a direction to go in with their clients.
  3. Be Honest About Everything - Honesty is critical during the divorce process. No matter what mistakes a client has made, including committing abuses or crimes, they must inform their divorce lawyer of these things so there are no surprises during negotiation. Honesty allows lawyers and their clients to prepare for anything that could be used against them in court.
  4. Discuss The Fees Up Front - Understand from the start how a divorce law firm charges for their services as well as when and how payment is expected. This will prevent confusion and disagreements later.
  5. Case Time Costs Money - In addition to understanding the fees a divorce attorney will charge for their services, remember that any time spent working on a case is billable time. Consider the easiest and least time-consuming ways to communicate such as emails and short phone calls as a means to keep fees under control.
  6. Cut the Losses - Work with the attorney to understand the best options for successful negotiations and follow that path. Avoid unnecessary battles that will cost more money without a strong chance of a positive outcome. Sometimes, that means giving up certain things in order to gain others.
  7. Avoid Using Social Media - What gets posted on social media can very easily be used against a spouse in the midst of a divorce. Divorce lawyers generally advise against using social media during the process and removing any posts that could bring questions to the divorce.
  8. The Law Is The Law - As much as lawyers work in their client’s best interests, clients must also understand that they cannot change the law. There are times when laws may go against what a divorcing spouse wants or feels they deserve.
  9. Bad Options Are Better Than No Options - In some divorce cases, the only choices to be made by a spouse are both unfavorable. Regardless, it is critical to understand that in some divorces the only options to choose from are bad or worse. Spouses must choose the one that is the most favorable of the two bad options.
  10. Get Counseling When It’s Needed - Divorce can be extremely stressful. If the stress gets to be too much or a divorce attorney recommends it, consider seeking counseling that can make getting through it all with that critical support a little bit easier.

Make Divorce Easier By Understanding What To Expect

While every divorce law firm works to make their clients’ divorces as easy and straightforward as possible, spouses still play an instrumental role in letting that happen.

Spouses who understand what is expected of them, what to expect from their divorce lawyers, and how to best help the process can get through it with much less hassle and stress.

Discuss these points with lawyers beforehand to ensure everyone is stepping forward on the same foot!

Foreman Family Law

409 E. 26th Street
Bryan TX 77803



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